Friday, July 13, 2012

Gaming Research Lesson Plan

Creating Games Game

My class is going to be creating a board game based on components of various video games. They will start the class naming the controls and awards they earn in their favorite video games and then we will work to put them together into a board game that they will then play upon completion.


            This will be student paced. It will be determined by the student’s responses as they begin to move forward. The first to go will be determined by the roll of the dice the student that rolls the lowest number will go first.


            Students will need to determine the rules of play as they go along for each step that they complete they will be earning badges of completion. They will be working in pairs and each time the group completes a step towards completing their game they will earn a badge to complete the badge board. (They will have a chance to gain 9 different badges along the way)

They will need to complete the following to gain badges:
-       List at least 10 different controls used in playing video games.
-       List at least 10 different rewards earned in playing a video game.
-       Create a basic layout for the board game.
-       Create game pieces.
-       Determine how the players will be moving in the game you are creating.
-       Determine the rules for your game.
-       Determine what tasks will need to be completed to move through the game.
-       Determine how there will be a winner of the game.
-       The game they created is playable.


            Students will be creating their own controls for their game, they will need to determine how their game will be played on how the players playing it will need to advance through their game. 


            The student will need to have a base knowledge of video games, from basic Facebook to games on the xBox , Wii, PC, or other gaming systems.

            The student will be able to earn badges as the move along creating their own game. They will know when they have earned all available badges and have created a playable game they met their goals.


            The story is they have been employed as a board game designer and they need to create a board game based on components and rewards used in video games.


                   The teacher will be the evil boss that will determine if they are going to be rewarded badges for achievements in creating their game.  The students will be creating their own characters in their board games. The students will achieve endgame when they have completed earning all badges meaning they have created a workable playable game.


            The student will be assessed on the following:

-       List at least 10 different controls used in playing video games.
-       List at least 10 different rewards earned in playing a video game.
-       Create a basic layout for the board game.
-       Create game pieces.
-       Determine how the players will be moving in the game you are creating.
-       Determine the rules for your game.
-       Determine what tasks will need to be completed to move through the game.
-       Determine how there will be a winner of the game.
-       The game they created is playable.
-       The overall playability of their game and the aesthetics of their game as well.

Fun and Motivation

                   Instead of just having the students create a game, I want the student to be part of a game, as they are creating their own.  They will have the Incentive theory of motivation during this project. The badges they will earn are the operant conditions in place.