Friday, May 13, 2011

PE-1 iMovie

This week I am working with iMovie. I will admit I have worked with iMovie before but in a very limited way.  I know that in many programs that there are so many different aspects that you can never know enough about the program to really classify you as an expert. As I watch the tutorials on Lynda I realize I am correct in that assumption. I never knew how many possibilities that existed within iMovie.

Portrait Format
Landscape Format
My experience has been only with importing still pictures into iMovie to create a slide show. I was always getting frustrated with the fact that I was never able to use any photographs that were in the portrait format. I would only be able to use photographs that were landscape formatted. I was so very surprised to learn the editing possibilities when working with photographs.

You have the ability to control how the Ken Burns affect(how the picture is panned across to give the illusion of motion) begins and end on the photograph you are editing or if you want to crop to view the whole photograph. There is also rotate image within this window, if your photograph or video needs to be rotated.  These editing controls work for both still images and video images. This is a tip that will make my editing much simpler  and make putting a slideshow together go so much faster and easier.
Edit window on photograph in iMovie