Friday, May 27, 2011


 Project: ABC's of Me Photography Book

RILS Plan:
The students will be creating The ABC’s of Me books using an online web 2.0 tool. They will be taking pictures to represent each letter of the alphabet and is a representation them and who they are.

Target Audience – 7 Advanced Photography students in grades 11 and 12
Materials: Digital camera, 35 mm film camera, black and white film, darkroom and chemicals for processing, computers, scanner, and internet.

Objectives: Students will be able to:
    Express themselves through images
    Create images using both digital and 35 mm film cameras.
    Design a book using self-created images
    Describe their artwork in writing
    Evaluate their artwork and artworks of others using the elements and principles of art.

          •    Have student think about how to visually represent themselves.
          •    Have them make a list starting with A and going through the alphabet
               of things to take  pictures of  that would represent them. Example A –Artistic.
          •    After the students make their list from a to z the need to go out and take
               photographs to represent each letter of the alphabet based on the list they made.
          •    13 images should be taken using 35 mm black and white film and the
               remaining 13 images should be taken digitally.
          •    Once the images are taken the students need to process the film and
               make prints and scan in the prints into the computer.
          •    The student will need to upload their digital images into the computer.
          •    The student will them complete any editing of all of the images and prepare
               them to be uploaded to
          •    Once images are prepared the student will log onto with log in
               created by the teacher and begin to prepare their book.
          •    The student will then upload images onto and build their book.

Making Connections: Students will be connecting previous knowledge of photography skills and aesthetic decisions to use with the new knowledge of creating a book. They will be reflecting on their work and the programs that were used during the process.

Web 2.0 tool: TikaTok – is an online children’s book publishing site that has been set up with the teacher and classroom in mind.

Social Participation/Social Learning: The students will create their books and then share them with the class. The class will then review each other’s books and give feed back based upon the elements and principles of art through the TikaTok website. This will help the students reflect upon their own work and the works of other and give them the opportunity to improve upon their work based on student feedback.

Create/Produce: The student will create a book using images that they created themselves. The book is to be and ABC book in which they create an image for each letter of the alphabet based upon them to express their own personality, yet be easily understood to the viewer as well.


4- Advanced
3- Proficient
2 – Basic
1- Below Basic

Advanced –    The student’s artwork created was above average quality.
                       The student created a book that is visually appealing to the viewer.
                       The student clearly expresses their thoughts about their work
                       and the work of others in the class in writing.

Proficient –     The student’s artwork created was of good quality.
                       The student created a book that catches the eye of the viewer with
                        good quality images.
                       The student expresses their thoughts about their work and the work
                       of others in writing.

Basic-             The student’s artwork created was average quality.
                       The student created a book that is of average quality.
                       The student does not clearly express their thoughts about their work and
                       the work of others in writing.

Below Basic – The student’s artwork was below average quality.
                        The student created a book that is below average.
                        The student does not express their thoughts about their work
                        and the work of others in  writing.

                  •    The student will reflect on the process used to create their book.
                  •    The students will reflect on the quality and aesthetic aspect of the
                       images and the overall  look of their book upon receiving them.
                  •    The Instructor will reflect on the overall process to create books,
                      the aesthetic quality of  the books, and programs used to create the books.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this idea. I can adapt it for my Cell Analogy assignment for Summer School. We will have to use digital photos, because I do not have a dark room to develop film. Most of the students have cameras on their cell phones, so we can make it work like that. I was planning on having them cut pictures out of magazines and paste them on the poster, but this is SO much more fun and exciting and it gives them the opportunity to be more creative. They will take pictures of things that have a similar function to each of the organelles in the cell and then describe how they are similar.

    I'm glad you found this tool and created this assignment, because I can definitely make it work. I think your students will like it as well. Thank you, Stacy.
