The further on I am going with these tutorials the more I am enjoying the iMovie application. I did not realize how much editing capability was with in this program. When I created my photo slideshows in the past not only was I frustrated with the photograph format (which I addressed in my last blog) but also when I would add sound to the project I did not realize how much control iMovie had. You have so many options when working within the program for adjusting the length of time the music plays and editing the picture to the beat of he music as well.
Another aspect that I like is you can add affects to your movie clips to change the feel or mood of your project. You can add effects to change color, speed, add a freeze frame, add picture in picture, and use green screen clips. I am excited to try the green screen movie capabilities; I have recently purchased a green screen backdrop for my photography classes and now look forward to creating a video project with my computer graphics class to try out this effect. It is interesting how you can superimpose over the stock backgrounds in iMovie or layer video clips over each other. There are so many ideas that I have running through my head about different projects that I can do within both my photography and computer graphics classes with the use of iMovie. I never knew all the possibilities that existed within this program.
Stacy, like you, I was so impressed with the audio editing features in iMovie. It makes you really examine the potential we have to create professional looking videos as amateurs. I love the visualization tools for the audio because I don't have the greatest hearing and those tools were my focus when I edited.